Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Why Fiction is Important

Why should people care about fiction? Surprisingly, fiction may be a little more important in our lives than we may think, even besides teaching and educating kids. Here's why: it makes life a little more bearable. When going through stressful times, everyone needs a break every once in a while. Watching a movie, for example, can let you leave reality for a bit and immerse yourself into the experience. If it's a movie you've never seen before, it's fun because you don't know what'll happen next (in a less "real" way, of course). If you have seen it before, then it's more merciful for lack of a better term because it's a way to escape an unpredictable reality and know what's going to happen in this piece of entertainment. Not to mention that it can be a good way to bond with people. If they're a fan of something that you like, you can discuss with them about it.

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